Month: December 2012

Perm Rod Set

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permrodOk, so I tried to do the perm rod set that I saw on naturalhairpantry’s blog.
permrod It came out ok, but I kept popping the strings that you use to snap the roller shut! Lol. It was very frustrating, but with the final result, I end up pinning one side:results Not as beautiful as naturalhairpantry, but I tried!

My hair update

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I flat ironed last weekend, and I’ve gotten it out of my system so before going back to my curls, I thought I would let you all see my “straightened” hair. It had been a day or two (can’t really recall) but this photo is not when it was freshly done. Yes, bra strap again because of that last trim but I won’t be trimming for a while.

natural hair
natural hair
flat ironed I have a baby shower to attend this weekend Lord willing, and I am going to put conditioner in my hair and bun it while there. This way I can get my pre-poo out the way! Then, later I am going to attempt Naturalhairpantry’s perm rod set! Shout out to ya girl!! Lol Check out her blog Go ahead……check her out. Tell her cys2011 sent ya! 🙂