Month: January 2014

BH Cosmetics

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I’ve heard so much about this makeup line that I decided to go to the site for myself and check it out. ( ) I get there and foundation is on sale for 3.95 each! So, I purchase the foundation and a makeup primer (on sale for 12.00) My color is in deep ebony. It arrived today, so I washed my Fashion Fair off, (which is expensive and trying to find a cheaper alternative)I opened the package, and I tried it on for the first time, and I’m wondering if I should purchase more or wait?? I forgot to apply the primer (bummer) I will tell you, I don’t even feel like there is anything on my face though.


However, I am deeply concerned because my under eye bags….what’s that about? I’m wondering if I didn’t apply enough when I highlighted???? I don’t know. So, the goal though is to look like I am barely wearing anything. I think it looks pretty natural? Original price for the foundation when not on sale is 9.00. I don’t know.. may just be one of those things I’ll consider a steal for the time being. sigh……Has anyone tried the Kat Von D foundation? I’ve heard raving reviews about that one!! But the price, whew!

My first henna process

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Yes, that’s right! I did my first henna application. I actually like it.


Now, I was using the Clairol Perfect 10, and I am still a fan! I just don’t understand why it isn’t sold “in” store. I have to constantly buy it online. So, I go to my local hairstore and came across this:


I was nervous of course, can my hair take this? Can you use it on already color treated hair? What if my hair falls out? You know the drill…..then I calm down and read the benefits:

thicker hair
temporary color
no harsh chemicals
natural relaxer for hair

So, I dived in and was sooooo nervous! LOL I am thinking what application takes this long?? Henna has to sit for an hour before applying, then after applying sit on hair for 1-3 hours!! Well, I chose the one hour and next time Lord willing, I’m going for the 2 hours! My hair felt like it was 3x thicker than normal, and soooooo soft! You have to do this every 2 to 4 weeks. I already purchased another henna application. The color I have been using is dark chocolate. One of the tips suggest adding coffee to the mixture for deeper results, and I did do that.

Here is what I learned, henna is not as intimidating as I first thought. It may not process in 10 minutes but quick isn’t always best right? I think the lengthy process was worth it. The cost (depending on where you go) $6 – $10 bucks (no shipping)